
SWVGC (Strengthening Women Vegetable growers Cooperative)

With the overall objective to improve the quality of life of marginalized communities through livelihood focused through co-operative efforts and the specific objective of promoting and popularizing vegetable cultivation for economic benefits among 550 poor families covering 50 SHGs of 30 villages of 5 panchayats in Malkangiri ( Padmagiri, Udupa, Serpalli,Pedakonda and Jharapalli GPs) blocks of Malakngiri district. PUSPAC has launched SWVGC with the support of AWO International, Germany through Madhyam Foundation, Bhubaneswar.

 Sensitization training on social issues and Gender issues.

 Awareness programme on gender based discrimination practices.

 Training to SHG and cooperative members on various social security schemes and entitlement.

 Setting up vigilance committee and orientation.

 Facilitation support for linkage Govt. schemes for cooperatives.

 Training for vegetable growers on organic vegetable cultivation.

04nos field level training was organized for potential growers for promotion of Cooperative. 124 nos cooperative member was trained on cooperative promotion, management , record keeping, fund management, and Reg. of cooperative .

1no district level interface meeting was organized at zilla parisada conference hall. 110 nos vegetable growers and cooperative Leaders were participated and share their experience and problems. The line dept. was given solution of problems in the open discussion.

• 15 nos of sitting and orientation to vigilance committee members on social and gender issues, domestic violence, social security schemes, and monitoring of every govt. schemes. At the end session they are developed a model monitoring system at village level for better implementation the schemes.

Mahila Kishan Sashktikaran Parijyojana (MKSP)

PUSPAC NGO is currently implementing the MKSP project in 5GP of Malkangiri Block in Malkangiri District of Odisha from July 2013. The main focus of the project is to ensure food security of the women farmers, enhance household level income and promote strong vibrant community based institution of women farmers for improving their collective bargaining power. For implementining this three year project, NRLM, Govt. of India has sanctioned 75% of the project cost and rest 25% support has been mobilized from Odisha Livelihood Mission, Government of Odisha. Madhyam Foundation, Bhubaneswar is co-coordinating agency which is the project implementation with guidance and supervision of Odisha livelihood Mission, Government of Odisha.

 Promotion of SRI cultivation (550 women farmers) and vegetable cultivation (300 women farmers) through sustainable agriculture practices.

 Promotion of goat rearing among 50 landless women farmers.

  Strengthening the exiting women self help group in the project area, promoting 50 producer groups and collectivizing them in to 1 producer group & co-operative.

 Capacity building of women farmers on soil testing , soil health management, crop planning preparation & application of organic manures & pesticides, sustainable agriculture practices, management of producer group & co-operative.

 Providing drudgery reduction tools such as hand hoe, improves sickle, weeder & sprayer to women farmer and promoting zero energy cool chambers for interim storage of vegetables.

Weeding by growers in SRI Field
Social Audit at Padmagiri
Crop planning training
Training on Basic Agriculture


PUSPAC seeks to provide accessible, affordable, equitable and quality health care to the population in rural and inaccessible areas. In doing so, it has a focus on the marginalized sections of society which tends to get excluded from the reach of the public health service delivery mechanism. This is so as the existing public health service infrastructure is poor in these areas because of which, it is not possible to provide the desired set of public health services. To bridge this gap in infrastructure, various interventions such as Mobile Health Units ( MHUs ) have been introduced.
In this background, it has been through for special strategy for delivery of a set of public health services in these inaccessible and conflict areas having strong presence of Left Wing Extremists ( LWE ). This strategy is being conceptualized as Project Arogya – successfully implemented on pilot basis in Salimi of Mathili block under Malkangiri District.

 To provide primary, preventive, curative and primitive health care services and referral health services to the people in the designated area.

 To co-ordinate the district local public health system to achieve MMR and IMR etc.

 Prevention and control of communicable diseases.

 To build up the capacities of the GKS and establish community level monitoring system for effective management of the programme.

Patient treatmen at Barubeda
Steering committee meeting at Salimi
ANC check up by ANM
Monitoring visit by CHC, Mathili

Maa Gruha (Maternity Waiting Home)

Geographical barrier and Lack of communication hinders transportation of expectant Mothers to hospital in the last stage of labour or in emergency. Suitable place & cost factors involved in staying outside before delivery is also not up to their reach because of their poor economic status. So, in spite of provision given under JSY, institutional delivery is not reported to have increased. These problems can be approached through establishing Maa Gruha (Maternity Waiting Home) especially for people living in most difficult pockets. In this context PUSPAC got a chance for implementation of Maa Gruha project in Mathili block and Chitrakonda block under Malkangiri Dist. with the funding support of NHM, Malkangiri.

 • To establish alternative support infrastructure for addressing communication problems in difficult and inaccessible pockets for ensuring institutional delivery.

 • To increase institutional delivery in the difficult and inaccessible pockets ultimately minimizing maternal & newborn mortality & morbidity.

 • Maa Gruha it is a temporary home for expectant mothers where they can wait for safe delivery preferably 7 to 10 days before EDD. On onset of labour, they are to be shifted to nearby to nearby health facility having at least BeMOC facilities for delivery. No post-partum cases will be allowed to stay at this Home. It was located within campus of Mathili CHC and chitrakonda CHC.

Orientation to PW by ANM
PW Checked by ANM
Orientation to ASHA by LHA
PW Checked by Doctor